Friday, May 8, 2009

Tot School

Between Johnny finishing up school and me being 29 weeks pregnant, we have had a few mornings like the pictures above and below :).

So I decided to try something new and have found great ideas from Tot School and other preschool web-sites. Today Lily and I played lots of games with cheerios (when she wasn't eating them :) ). We put them in pairs on dots on the paper, we tossed them into a box, transferred them from place to place, and put them into small holes.

Overall it was a success and Lily had fun!


Becky said...

You are my hero! Someday I want to grow up to be just like you!

Andrea Lee U.R. said...

Love that cheesy smile!!
Fun idea!!!

Aileen and Aaron Trost said...

Fun idea! What is the link for the website you got the idea from?