Sunday, August 9, 2009

Out numbered ....

Trying to get five children under the age of 3 to pose together without injuring each other .... priceless!

Ally, Kyrie, Lily, Cortland, and Titan

Aunt Ada painted Lily's toe nails for her. She loved it!


Blake and Laura said...

So cute! They are going to be good friends since they are all so close in age.

Andrea Lee U.R. said...

Aww! Good times......right?!!!
Love the last picture!

Becky Newton said...

You have such a cute family, and it's growing fast! Can't wait to see you guys, I need to set something up with you!

the Roberts said...

good to catch up on your family. I used to blog alot, but not so much lately. You can check us out at

It's funny how I can still see the 7 year old best friend of mine still in your face, not to mention your daughter. Congrats on the new baby. ashley

Laura said...

So fun! Hey did you decide if you are coming to Park City? I talked to Melanie today and she said that they usually allow babies that are under 4 months and nursing. You really should come!