Time goes too quickly between this .....
As of January 21st, Cortland is six months old. Here are his official stats:
Weight: 16.25 lbs (22.83 percentile)
Height: 26.25 inches (38.21 percentile)
Head: 17 inches (29.73 percentile)
People have commented on how big he is getting! We think it is because he went from the 78th percentile in height to the 38th percentile, but still gained three pounds in the process. He is working on those cute little rolls.
- He can hold his bottle up on his own now - Daddy loves this.
- Finally outgrew all of his 0-3 month clothes.
- Great at rolling from his back to his tummy, but isn't a big fan of rolling the other way yet.
- Enjoys tummy time more and holds himself up on his hands.
- Not much crawling going on, but lots of scootching. He lays on his back, arches as high as he can, and then pushes off with his feet. He can get pretty far this way.
- Very vocal. He has lots to say. Favorite word is "unga." Dad says he is a BYU fan.
- LOVES bath time. Splashes like a little fish.
- Plays pretty well with his sister. Lily makes him laugh the hardest. These two will be good buds!